About Me

I thrive on helping people step into their power!


I help yoga teachers & therapists live and share yoga more powerfully and authentically

…by discovering your true nature and unique rhythms in order to live and share yoga in alignment with who you really are…


I fell asleep in my first yoga class over 30 years ago. And I’ve embraced the process of waking up ever since!


Like so many of us, I trained as a yoga teacher to learn more about the curious practice of yoga.
I had no idea that I was really looking to know more about myself.

I’d struggled with identity since childhood and as I made my way through university and into the corporate world. Being the only woman, AND the only person of color in the room so often, felt like loneliness and liberation.


I made it to my thirties without ever really knowing what I wanted… or needed.

And when I finally found the courage to leave the corporate world and start questioning my life, yoga showed me the way.

Since then, I’ve listened to some version of this story many times. Clients, students, friends, teachers, the origins of our desire to learn and share ourselves seems to come from a similar source… A deep desire to realize our highest potential and support others in realizing theirs.


Everything we dream
of contributing to the world begins with knowing
and loving ourselves.


In the midst of the daily process of living, it can be easy to forget our foundations and deplete ourselves.

We can become disillusioned or disheartened by what’s happening out in the world and how we see and feel that energy reflected in our thinking and actions.

That’s why we need to begin with ourselves. Our teaching will only ever be as good as our practice of knowing and loving ourselves. I know this because I’ve lived it… and you know it too!

I’m here to support you in living your yoga so that you can share it wholeheartedly with the world.

what people are saying…

“I am grateful to have been offered this opportunity to learn from you. Thank you SO much Chara - you are a light in this world and a wonderful teacher.”

— BECCA, Yoga Teacher & Therapist

Why people choose to work with me…

  • I live what I teach

    I consider myself a student of life and am inspired by sharing what I’ve learned in ways that ignite the fire of curiosity in others.

  • I love what I do

    I haven’t always loved my work. I made hard choices to walk towards a life of balance and and am grateful everyday for finding that courage.

  • I’m passionately honest.

    Honoring who you are is the ultimate freedom. I thrive on creating spaces that invite and support that liberation.

  • I can see your power.

    Everything you need is right there within you. Sometimes all you need is someone to see you and remind you.

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